Reflections on Universal Well-Being

A Powerful Buddhist Blessing Chant (Mantra/Prayer/Chant)

Reflections on Universal Well-Being
A Powerful Buddhist Blessing Chant (Mantra / Prayer / Metta chant)

 May I abide in well-being
In freedom from affliction
In freedom from hostility
In freedom from ill-will
In freedom from anxiety
And may I maintain well-being in myself.
May everyone abide in well-being
In freedom from hostility
In freedom from ill-will
In freedom from anxiety
and may they maintain well-being in themselves.
All beings be released from all suffering
And may they not be parted from the good fortunes they have attain.
When they act upon intention
All beings are owners of their action
And inherit its results.
Their future is born from such action
Companion to such action
And its result will be their home.
All actions with intention
Be they skilful or harmful
Of their acts, they will be the heirs.
May all beings be well and secure!
May all beings be peaceful and maintain their well-being!
May all beings be Happy!

Sadhu! Sadhu!! Sadhu!!!


Short Metta Meditation Chant:
Short Meditation On loving Compassion

May all beings
Be free from danger and enmity
May all beings
Be free from all mental suffering
May all beings
Be free from all physical suffering
May all beings
Take care of themselves happily
May all beings be well and secure!
May all beings be peaceful!
May all beings be Happy!
Sadhu! Sadhu!! Sadhu!!!

Buddhist meditation